Unhealthy, and healthy behaviors both have effects on your health whether its physical, mental, or social.
Explanation: Unhealthy behaviors such as not eating greens as much as needed or fruits, or even some meats that have fibers that you will need, that diet can lead to gaining in weight or lack in physical activities, or even lack in strength. Some unhealthy behaviors if bad enough can also lead to diabetes, or some cancers. Not saying you can get sick all the time but if that person's habits are bad enough, it could be possible. It could effect your mental health by really depending if your in a positive community or not like if people make mean comments that could lead to mental battles with yourself trying to not believe certain things that are told to you.
Explanation: Healthy behaviors such as eating greens as needed/fruits and even some meats which have needed fibers can help with your physical health whether its sports, running, or even just playing a game of tag, all of the nutrition in whatever your eating can help you in more ways then one. Your body helps sort all of the energies from the food you eat into useful energy, but if its bad food you get overwhelmed with the high sugars or salts and start to go crazy. It can affect you mentally by, when you start seeing your body when you look in the mirror do yous say to yourself I like my body, or do you say I need more work, or Its not what I wanted, or even No I don't like it one bit. When you think those things do you believe the good ones or bad? As far as for personal health In my opinion I think that is truly up to you with your mindset to decide.
(sorry if it's long :P)