One time I did something right is when I protested against the dress code of the school. Dress Codes are way too strict! Although many schools have strict dress codes, dress codes should be banned from public schools. Clothing as a primary mean of expressing, the pressure of dress codes, and pointing mostly towards girls. The concern of dress code at public and private schools is questioning government as schools. (“What’s Fair and Unfair about School Dress Codes”). The first school dress code law was established in 1969 by the U.S. Supreme Court. The case, known as “Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent School District”, involved several high school students who wore black armbands to school in a planned protest against the Vietnam War. In a far-reaching decision, the Court essentially decided that schools may limit student expression (such as enforcing dress codes) if there is a legitimate concern that such expression will be disruptive to the learning environment or violate the rights of others.