mean : 8.8
The mean is the average, so you find it by adding all the numbers together and dividing by n, or how many numbers there are. For this, I added to get 70.4 and divided that by 8 (8 total scores).
70.4/8 = 8.8.
median : 8.85
The median is the middle of the data set, so you put the numbers in increasing order (lowest number to highest number) and then finding the middle of that set. For this set, since there is an even number of numbers (8), you have to find the middle by adding the two middle numbers and dividing by 2.
8.2, 8.7, 8.8, 8.8, 8.9, 8.9, 8.9, 9.2
The middle numbers are 8.8 and 8.9, so you add those together and divide by 2 to get 8.85.
mode : 8.9
The mode is just what number appears most often. Because 8.9 appears three times in this data set, more than any other number, the mode is 8.9.
b. The mean reflects a typical score because it is the average, and is used most often when someone is expressing a typical or "average" score. It is the score most people are likely to get, and as there are no outliers in this data set, it reflects a typical score for this data set. It is also the same as the mode, or most often score, in this data set.