In the meantime the strong style f the child was glowing. He had been very careful not to be offensive to the 2 men standing there. He also didn't want to be commanding to make them leave the store. After all he was the Owner of the stores son, but he had to be observant, and make sure they both didn't cause to much of a problem. He was very close to getting them out of the store until they started to squabble again. He wasn't too noticeable towards them since he was just a short young man, but he caught their attention for a split second until they started fighting again. The child was very annoyed, and didn't like that he had been brought into the conversation. The child then realized he had to get his father. He was very upset when he found out that he couldn't solve it on his own, but he thought to himself 'At least I tried'. The child then was happy that his father had stopped the fight, and they had a swarm of customers once again. They where back in business.
Step-by-step explanation: