1) 1381
2) 650
3) 720
4) 12371
5) 3922
6) 4010
The absolute value is the distance between a number and zero. The distance between − 1381 and 0 is 1381 .
| 1381 | → 1381
The absolute value is the distance between a number and zero. The distance between -650 and 0 is 650 .
| 1-651 | → | -650 | → 650
The absolute value is the distance between a number and zero. The distance between -720 and 0 is 720 .
| 1-721 | → | -720 | → 720
The absolute value is the distance between a number and zero. The distance between -12371 and 0 is 12371 .
| -12371 | → 12371
The absolute value is the distance between a number and zero. The distance between -3922 and 0 is 3922 .
|-1-3921 | → | -3922 | → 3922
The absolute value is the distance between a number and zero. The distance between -4010 and 0 is 4010 .
| 1-4011 | → | -4010 | 4010