Answer and Explanation:
Part I:
1. The most challenging stage for me was the second stage. This step is called "Information Seeking Strategies". At this stage, we need to find research sources that are relevant to the resolution and understanding of our tasks and challenges. The biggest challenge at this stage is related to the selection of the best sources, which can often be difficult to find, in addition, it is difficult to decide the number of sources to be used. This challenge was overcome through extensive reading of sources and the selection of those that were most relevant and strongly associated with our problem.
2. By using the Big 6 Research Model, I can confirm that the organization was the one that was most functional for me, because it allowed me a panoramic view of all the information, elements and ideas related to the research, allowing me to optimize the construction time of the research and not "get lost" in the middle of all the elements, much less that I escaped the theme.
Part II:
1. I will use it to improve my communication and the transfer of knowledge between all the people who will be connected to my future and my career. This will once again optimize my time, in addition to allowing a very fast and effective knowledge building.
2. I will always keep up to date on the concepts I learned, always keeping the study up to date and always looking for additional information that will support not only my knowledge, but also my goals.
3. Because civility is able to promote good relations between colleagues and work elements, it allows a professional attitude, in addition to making the environment productive, pleasant and efficient.