For this problem, we can solve this by simply converting percentages into fractions. Consider that 25% is 1/4 of 100% of 1. Therefore, we can say 25% is equivalent to 1/4.
With this statement, we can say the following:
25% of 20
= (1/4) of 20
= (1/4) * 20
= 20 / 4
= 5
So 25% of 20 is 5. Using this property of fractional equivalence, percentages can also be stated in reverse.
For example, 25% of 20 is equivalent to 20% of 25.
Since we know 25% of 20 is 5, let's use the same fractional equivalence to find the value of 20% of 25:
20% of 25
= (1/5) of 25
= (1/5) * 25
= 25 / 5
= 5
Thus, we have shown that 25% of 20 and 20% of 25 are equivalent. This applies to all percentages of some number.
Hope this helps.