a) c) d)
Length is a one-dimensional measure, therefore it is measured in single units.
⇒ m
⇒ cm
⇒ ft
The area of a shape is a two-dimensional quantity (e.g. length × width), therefore it is measured in square units.
⇒ m × m = m²
⇒ cm × cm = cm²
⇒ ft × ft = ft²
The volume of a shape is a three-dimensional quantity (e.g. length × width × height), therefore it is measured in cubic units.
⇒ m × m × m = m³
⇒ cm × cm × cm = cm³
⇒ ft × ft × ft = ft³
- length = options b) e)
- area = options a) c) d)
- volume = option f)