The correct answer is - option c.
Step-by-step explanation:
Benedict test is used to test the presence of reducing sugar in a sample. If the benedict solution turns in red or orange color it means there is a presence of glucose as it is a reducing sugar. So, this test result shows that there no reducing sugar in the sample as it is blue.
Lugol test is the test to see if the sample has starch in it or no by turning in to blue color, in this result, it is orange in color which suggests that there is no starch available.
A Biuret solution is used to test for the availability of protein in a particular sample, purple or pink color is the representation of the presence of protein. There is no protein as per result
Sudan red test is used to test the presence of TGA, lipids, or lipoproteins in a sample by reacting with it and turn in to red color. The absence of the lipids shows no change as it is shown in this test.
Thus, the correct answer among these options is - option C.