1 motorcycles should be forbidden
2 bicycles should not be forbidden
3 children's pedal cars, and battery-powered remote-control cars should not be forbidden from pathways
Step-by-step explanation:
1. motorcycle: these emit gases into the air that are not fit for the environment. apart from causing pollution, they are a source of noise pollution and they could cause accidents in the parks. therefore they should be banned.
2. bicycles: bicycles are manually powered, they should not be banned in the park because they are not a source of noise pollution and neither do they pollute the environment. riding a bicycle should be encouraged as it is a good way of keeping the body fit
3. children's pedal cars, and battery-powered remote-control cars: they should not be restricted because a recreational park is the best place for children to use them. they do not bring about harms to the environment or to people.