Explanation shown below
In the study of statistics – INDIVIDUALS are objects that are described by a set of data.
VARIABLE is said to be an important element of any statistical data. It is a characteristic of a unit that is being observed which may rightly assume many set of values. Numerical values can be assigned to them.
CATEGORICAL VARIABLE – are usually referred to as qualitative data, which can be put into different categories based on their characteristics. Under this, we have the Nominal Variable – eg. Gender - Male, Female. They the set of variables that have two or more categories with no ordering. The Ordinal Variable – has two or more categories with clear ordering.
NUMERICAL VARIABLE include interval variable and ratio variable. In these types of variables, measurement have numerical meaning.
DATA SET is a collection of data, permanently stored which relate to a particular subject. The test scores of each student in a particular class is an example of data set