"There is no freedom in the country that enslaves part of the population. Therefore, free citizens must set aside controversies and fight not only for the freedom of the oppressed, African-Americans, in this case, but also give them the due respect and due rights they deserve. In addition, African Americans were most interested in freedom and for that they should be willing to fight for it."
Step-by-step explanation:
The statement shown above is related to Alfred Green's speech to slaves in the North during the Civil War, in addition to using ethos, evoking ethics.
The statement states that it is ethical for white citizens, as equipped with the freedom they have, to allow blacks to fight for freedom, in addition to helping them as citizens who maintain the power of speech and decision in the country. However, the statement also shows that whites must pay due respect to blacks, treating them as citizens and allowing the struggle to really have a progressive ending.
The statement shows that it is not the blacks who are being deprived of their freedom, since they are the most interested in this struggle and therefore must be prepared, available and ready to fight.
This influences blacks to enlist in the army, as it influences whites to allow it and to treat them like an active soldier.