1: A natural disaster is a major event caused by the natural processes of the Earth, consisting of floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and other geologic processes. A natural disaster causes loss of life or property damage, and leaves some economic damage afterwards costing millions
Natural disasters can hit at anytime and anywhere. It is not uncommon that such disasters leave thousands homeless. People left homeless by natural disasters have fewer resources than any other type of homeless person. There is no park to camp out in, no alley to sleep in, and no bridge to sleep under.
This is a plan that outlines what hazards your business is at risk of facing, what you can do to avoid or manage them and how to get your business back up and running should a disaster strike. The conclusion of your disaster management plan reiterates the salient points and provides actionable takeaways.
Step-by-step explanation: