Incomplete question. Here's a similar question found in the attachments.
General Motors Corp, Chrysler, Ford Motor Company, Toyota Motors sales USA Inc, Nissan North America Inc.
Step-by-step explanation:
By, using the MS Excel computer software, you would be able to compare the 2016 year-to-date sales through February 2017 year-to-date sales for each manufacturer.
Simply copy the data into the data cells of MS Excel, next use the =sum formula (which should have a minus sign; For example, =SUM (B5 - E5) would give you the difference between the 2016 sales and 2017 sales, only if sales for 2016 is found in column B row 5 and sales for 2017 in column E row 5).
Thus, the results obtained can further be evaluated to determine the manufacturers in the top five with increased sales.