5 votes
Write a program that prompts the user to enter positive integers (as many as the user enters) from standard input and prints out the maximum and minimum values.Here is an example of how your program should behave.Enter a positive integer: 2 Enter a positive integer: 9 Enter a positive integer: 3 Enter a positive integer:-1 The maximum integer is 9 and minimum is 2. Note: • Zero: 'O' is not a positive integer. • You must include code to deal with any exceptions that may arise in your program. • Insert 'import' statement(s) at the beginning • Copy the entire class, including the public static main method, 1 import java.util.*; 2 public class Ex0603 { 3 public static void main(String[] args) { 4 Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); 5Write a program that prompts the user to enter an integer N, then reads N double values, and prints their mean (average value) and sample standard deviation (square root of the sum of the squares of their differences from the average, divided by N-1). Enter an integer: 5 Enter a number: 1 Enter a number: 2 Enter a number: 3 Enter a number: 4 Enter a number: 5 Average value is: 3.00 and the standard deviation is: 1.58 Note: • You must include code to deal with any exceptions that may arise in your program • Write the entire program in the answer box below. For example: Input Result 5 Enter an integer: Enter a number: Enter a number: Enter a number: Enter a number: Enter a number: Average value is: 3.00 and the standard d eviation is: 1.58 123452 Enter an integer: Enter a number: Enter a number: Invalid input!1b

User Phil Lamb
7.1k points

1 Answer

3 votes


Here is the JAVA program that prompts the user to enter positive integers from standard input and prints out the maximum and minimum values:

import java.util.*;

public class Ex0603 {

public static void main(String[] args) { //start of main function

Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); //creates Scanner class object to take input from user

int minimum = 0; //stores the minimum of the integers

int maximum = 0; //stores the minimum of the integers

int num; //stores the positive integer values

System.out.println("enter a positive integer: ");//prompts user to enter a positive integer

num = in.nextInt();//scans and reads the input integer value from user

minimum = num; //assigns value of num to minimum

while(true) {//while loop keeps prompting user to enter a positive integer

System.out.println("enter a positive integer: ");//prompts user to enter a positive integer

num = in.nextInt();//scans and reads the input integer value from user

if(num <=0)//if the user inputs a negative integer or 0

break; //breaks the loop

if (num > maximum) {//if the value of positive integer is greater than the maximum of value

maximum = num; } //assigns that maximum value of num to maximum variable

if (num < minimum) {//if the value of positive integer is less than the minimum of value

minimum = num; //assigns that minimum value of num to minimum } }

System.out.println("The maximum integer is : " + maximum); //displays the maximum of the positive integers

System.out.println("The minimum integer is : " + minimum); }} //displays the minimum of the positive integers

Step-by-step explanation:

Here is the JAVA program that that prompts the user to enter an integer N, then reads N double values, and prints their mean (average value) and sample standard deviation:

import java.util.*;

public class Ex0603 {

public static void main(String[] args) { //start of main function

Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); //creates Scanner class object to take input from user

double integer= 0; //to store the number of input values

double sum = 0; //to store the sum of input numbers

double mean = 0; //to store the average of numbers

double sd = 0; //to store the standard deviation result

double variance = 0; //to store the variance result

double sumSquare = 0; //to store the sum of (num-mean)^2

int n = 0; //to store the sample size N

System.out.println("Enter an integer: "); //prompts user to enter an integer that is how many elements user wants to input

integer = in.nextInt(); //reads the value of integer from user

double size=integer; // declares a double type variable and assigns value of int type variable integer to this double type variable size

int i=0; //used to point each element of the num array

double num[] = new double[(int)size]; //declares an array to hold the numbers input by user

while(integer>0){ //loop executes until value of integer is greater than 0

System.out.println("Enter a number: "); // prompts to enter a number

num[i] = in.nextDouble(); //reads double values

sum += num[i]; //adds the values stored in num array

i++; //increments i to point to the next element in num array

n++; //increments n to count the total number of elements

integer--; //decrements integer value at each iteration

mean = sum / n; } //compute the average of values


while(size>0){ //loop executes until value of size exceeds 0

sumSquare += Math.pow(num[i]-mean,2); //takes the sum of square difference between each element of num array and value of mean

i++; //increments i

size--; } //decrements size

variance = sumSquare / (n-1); //compute variance by dividing the result of sum of the squares of their differences from the mean by n-1

sd = Math.sqrt(variance); //computes standard deviation by using sqrt function which takes the sqrt of the result of variance computed above

System.out.println("Average value is: " + mean+ " and the standard deviation is " + String. format("%.2f", sd)); }} //displays the average of numbers stored in mean variable and value of standard deviation is displayed up to 2 decimal places

Screenshots of both programs and their outputs is attached.

Write a program that prompts the user to enter positive integers (as many as the user-example-1
Write a program that prompts the user to enter positive integers (as many as the user-example-2
User Max DeLiso
6.9k points