1. "angle HGJ" or "angle JGH" (∠HGJ or ∠JGH)
2. "angle G" (∠G)
3. "angle 3" (∠3)
Three ways the shaded angle can be named:
1. We can use capital letters to name the shaded angle. The middle letter indicates the vertex. Thus, we would name the shaded angle as: "angle HGJ" or "angle JGH". G is the middle letter, which indicates the vertex of the angle. Most often, the symbol "∠" is usually used to represent the word "angle". In short form, the shaded angle can be named as:
"∠ HGJ" or "∠ JGH"
2. The shaded angle can also be named according to the vertex. Thus, G is the vertex. The angle can be named "angle G" or "∠G"
3. Numbers can be placed at the vertex of the angle, and named accordingly. Thus, the shaded angle of which the vertex is labelled "3" can be named as "angle 3" or "∠3"