There are 203069 people in the crowd
The first step in solving this problem is to ensure that we are working with the same units throughout the solution process. To do this, we will have to convert 4 miles to feet. (This is because every other unit is in feet).
Note: ( 1 mile =5280 feet)
4 miles = 21120 feet.
The next step is to calculate the area that the entire parade is occupying. This can be done by multiplying the length of the parade by the breadth. In this case, it will be 21120ft X 5 ft = 105600 square feet.
We can now at this point, find the area occupied by only one person.
if 13 people occupy 25 square feet (5ft X5 ft)
1 person will occupy 25/13 = 1.92 square feet
We can finally get the number of people in the crowd by multiplying the area occupied by the whole crowd by the area of one person. This will be
105600 X 1.92= 203069 people in the crowd