1. Diego has to move 2 places back to be 25th .
2.a. Jade is right. She'll get 2 prizes .
2.b.The blueberry muffin and the carrot cake
[Every fifth customer will get a free bagel.]`-------
This means that anyone on the line who is a multiple of 5 will get a free bagel. Example- 5th customer,10th customer, or the 15th customer and so on..
[Every ninth customer will get a free blueberry muffin]--------
This means that anyone on line who is a multiple of 9 will get a free blueberry muffin. Example- the 9th customer, 18th customer etc...
[Every 12th customer will get a free slice of carrot cake. ]----------
This means that anyone on line who is a multiple of 12 will get a free carrot cake. Example- the 12th customer, 24th customer, 36th customer etc...
1. Yes, he is right in order to get the prize. To get at least one prize, he should go two places behind and become the 25th customer {since he s a multiple of 5}.He will get a free bagel.
2.a. Yes, Jade will get a prize. She can get a free blueberry muffin and a free slice of carrot cake .
2.b. Yes, it is possible for Jade to win more than one prize because she is the 36th customer and 36 is a multiple of both 9 and 12