Hey there!
Here is an acrostic I made. I will translate the words into English next to the Spanish word along with a helpful tip to remember the word so you can remember the words forever!
The word reconciliación means reconciliation, which means to restore friendly relationships, which is something that happens in religion. You draw close to God and you are forgiven of your sins.
Religión (religion, cognate)
Escripturas (scriptures, is a cognate)
Cielo (heaven, kind of sounds like ceiling, and Heaven is Earth's ceiling)
Omnipotente ( omnipotent, cognate)
Nacer (to be born, from Renaissance, meaning rebirth)
Ceremonia (ceremony, cognate)
Iglesia (church, similar to English word ecclesiastical)
Lealtad (loyalty, basically a cognate)
Imaginar (to imagine, cognate)
Adorar (to adore, cognate)
Creer (to believe, can be seen in credulous, incredible)
Inteligente (intelligent, cognate)
Orar (to pray, can be seen in oral)
Nutrir (to nourish, found in nutrient)
A few of these aren't specific to religion but there aren't a ton of religious words starting with n so I had to come up with some. Some people think birth is spiritual, and God like nourishes you so I put nutrir. I hope this helps!
Have a wonderful day!