a. Feelings about weight is the response (dependent) variable. Sex is the explanatory (independent) variable. The feelings about weight depend on the sex
b. Summary of observed counts
Women Men Total
Overweight 38 18 56
Right weight 99 35 134
Underweight 6 25 31
Number 143 78 221
c. Percentage of the 143 women responding in each category:
1. Overweight = 38/143 = 26.6%
2. Right weight = 99/143 = 69.2%
3. Underweight = 6/143 = 4.2%
d. Percentage of the 78 men responding in each category:
1. Overweight = 18/78 = 23.1%
2. Right weight = 35/78 = 44.9%
3. Underweight = 25/78 = 32%
e. Summary of feelings about weight:
Women Men
Overweight 26.6% 23.1%
Right weight 69.2% 44.9%
Underweight 4.2% 32%
a) Data:
Sample size = 221
Women Men Total
Overweight 38 18 56
Right weight 99 35 134
Underweight 6 25 31
Number 143 78 221
b) To obtain the percentage of feelings about weight for each category, the number of those who feel overweight, right weight, or underweight is divided by the total number of women or men. The value obtained, which is in decimal form, is then converted to percentage by multiplying with 100.