Ok, first off this is religion which would be social studies, not history. The entire point of the baptism in Christianity is to "cleanse" oneself. So, technically(if he existed), Jesus, who by defintion is perfect(not needing cleansing) was baptised(by a human), it was not to cleanse him. Also, god speaks in that portion of the bible and proclaims Jesus his son, which further cements his identity in Christianity. Anyway, the deeper meaning in that baptism is that Jesus is further implementing himself with humanity by coming down to their level by allowing himself to be baptised by a less "holy" being. Which the entire point in Jesus, is that he(again if he existed) comes down to humanity, who has nothing to offer, and offers them redemption and a way back to his father(who is a part of the trinidad, which kind of means that is a part of him, it is very complex). Anyway, he further shows this meaning by allowing himself to be baptised.