Step-by-step explanation:
This starts with substrate level phosphorylation(glycolysis) in the cytosol of cytoplasms.Two ATPs are needed for phosphorylation of glucose.With eventual formation of 4 ATPs with 2NET GAIN ATPs,NADH+,and Pyruvate.
The Pyruvate reacts with co-enzyme A to form Acetyl coA-This is the bridge reaction or link reaction.
The Acetyl Co-A diffuses into the mitochondria where it combines with oxaloacetate to form citrate,the latter form Alpha ketoglutaric succinic,fumate,malate and back to oxaloacetate.The cycle of events is called the Kreb's Cycle.
Net of 2ATPs are formed,co-enzymes NADH+ and FADH2 ,water molecules,and Co2 are produced.These takes place in the mitochondria.
Then the NADH+ and FADH2 takes the hydrogen ions into the inner mitochondria where Hydrogen is split into electron and Protons.This forms the beginning of oxidative phosphorylation.
The electrons are transmitted by the carrier proteins to form the electron transport chains,which provide the PMF. The latter pumps the protons across the walls of mitochondria into the intramembrane space.
The high concentration of the protons produce the elecrochemical gradients which make the protons to diffuse back into the matrix. it is the changes in the elctrochemical gradients that supply the energy needed by ATPase enzymes for synthesis of ATPs. A total of 28ATPs are produced in oxidative phosphorylation.
The total ATPs produced in the sequence of glycolysis pyruvatre,Co-enzyme A, kreb's Cycle and oxidative phosphorylation are 32ATPs per molecule of glucose splits in Glycolysis.