Following are the code to this question:
val={} #defining dictionary variable val
def unique_word(i):#defining a method unique_word
if i in val: #defining if condition to add value in dictonary
val[i] += 1#add values
else: #defining else block to update values
val.update({i: 1})#updating dictionary
s =input('Enter string value: ') #defining s variable for input string value
w=s.split()#split string value and sorte in w variable
w.sort() #sorting the value
for i in w: #defining loop for pass value in method unique_word
unique_word(i)#assign value and calling the unique_word method
for j in val:# defining for loop to print dictionary value
if val[j] == 1: #defining if block to check value is unique
print(j) #print value
Enter string value: my name is dataman
Step-by-step explanation:
- In the above python code, a dictionary variable "val" is declared, which is used in the method "unique_word" that uses if block to count unique word and in the else block it update its value.
- In the next step, s variable is declared, that the user input method to store the value and another variable "w" is defined that split and sort the string value.
- In the last step, two for loop is declared in which the first loop passes the string value and calls the method "unique_word", and in the second loop if block is defined that check unique value and prints its value.