1. Steel
2. A Mutual Fund
3. The number of shares of stock sold in a previous day
4. Capital Gains
Step-by-step explanation:
1. Investment commodities are investments in raw materials or primary goods that are still to be processed such as Agricultural produce and precious metals. Steel falls under this category.
2. A Mutual Fund works by pooling the resources and monies of various people and then investing it in various companies as a single portfolio. This way even though your funds might be little, you can still be able to diversify investments and make a good return.
3. When stock is listed for sale on a particular day, its trading figures for the previous day are listed as well.
4. Capital gain is a way to gain a return when the value of your investment has increased. When you sell that asset at the new price which is higher than the price you bought it, you make a capital gain on the transaction. For instance, R. Taylor bought stock for $100 in 2005 and it is now selling at $900 and Taylor sells it, Taylor now has a capital gain of $800.