Answer and Explanation:
A British politician, Wilberforce abolished the vague treatment of Negros, considered as an inferior race. He was in favor of humanitarianism. In his speech, he marked the unsavory facts of Negro abusive treatments. He talked about white people who considered themselves superior race and somehow, have authority over the black race. He raised the point that the trade of black people is an inhuman treatment. They were sold over little things, and the white race has complete authorization over them. They decided their every single thing. He was up to the point if Negros are lower than every other race than why one should be left on the mercy of themselves. They had been exploited in the name of religion, race, and color. He argued that black men are marginalized and considered to be less than human. White men justify their treatment by regarding themselves outright and the dominant race. Labor has been taken from Negros the way animals have been treated to get their work done. In Wilberforce's speech, we ought to find racial, social-psychological, and religious discrimination of blacks by prejudice white men.
These unsavory fact has been told by Wilberforce to expose the inhuman way of treatment. And thus can abolish these so-called norms in the name of race and religion.
Alex Schmid points that they applied to Wilberforce's speech to overcome the subversion of the black race.
1. Public surveys should take place to minimize the inhuman treatment and then evaluate the proportion of the public who has been affected by abusive treatment.
2. Violent groups and organizations should be scattered.
3. Giving strengths to the subservient so they can know their worth.
4. Civil society should give more rights to the government.
5. Law enforcement should also be applied.
6. The grievance of suppressed also be encountered to overcome its side effect.
7. Discouragement of radical movements and extremist institutions.
8. Accessibility of human rights to every race.
9. State human rights in response to inhuman treatment.
10. Balanced approach towards conflict and violence.