A. Pure competition = Online auctioning
B. Monopoly = Video rental stores
C. Monopolistic competition = Water and sewer service
D. Oligopoly = Digital camera makers
Step-by-step explanation:
Perfect competition or pure competition is a state of the market in which there is a relatively large number of buyers and sellers who sell the same or similar goods with complete knowledge of products and services. In fact, this sector provides free entry and exit
Monopolistic competition is a state of the industry that deals with several businesses that are closely connected to each other but offer distinct goods. In fact, this sector provides free entry and exit
There will be only one seller in the monopoly market that controls the entire market. The seller demanded the high price and there's no rivalry because of this. This business is not free to enter and exit
There are few sellers in the oligopoly industry who trade in a single market. This business is not free to enter and exit
Based on this, the classification is as follows
A. Pure competition = Online auctioning
B. Monopoly = Video rental stores
C. Monopolistic competition = Water and sewer service
D. Oligopoly = Digital camera makers