The estimated value of the Batting Average is 0.229.
In this case regression analysis is to performed to determine if there is a significant linear relationship for Batting Averages with Runs Score, Doubles, Triples, Home Runs and Strike Outs.
The independent and dependent variables are as follows:
y = Batting Averages
x₁ = Runs Score/Times at Bat
x₂ = Doubles/Times at Bat
x₃ = Triples/Times at Bat
x₄ = Home Runs/Times at Bat
x₅= Strike Outs/Times at Bat
The regression analysis can be performed in Excel.
Consider the regression output attached.
The regression equation is as follows:

Now estimate the Batting Average when Run Score (x₁) = 0.123, Doubles ( x₂) = 0.040, Triples (x₃) = 0.0045 , Home Runs ( x₄) = 0.009 and Strike Outs (x₅) = 0.189 as follows:

Thus, the estimated value of the Batting Average is 0.229.