A. to inform the reader that caring for a pet is more difficult than people think.
Step-by-step explanation:
From the article Caring For Pets Teaches Children Responsibility
Learning to care for pets is a great way to make children not only more responsible, but also empathetic to the needs of others, we understand that pets are a good way to teach responsibility to children as they would be in charge of the pet, taking care of it, feeding and cleaning up its excreta as the case may be.
The writer is of the opinion that owning pets is a good way of not only teaching resposibilty to children, but to also make them more empathetic to the needs of others.
The author understands that giving a child a pet to take responsibility can be overwhelming and not as straightforward as it sounds so he advises that children below th ages of six may not be ready to take care of a big dog and also that a trip to the library to read about the animal before getting it is necessary so the child knows what to expect.