Dear journal,
Today I went to my sibling’s baseball game. He did quite okay but I could tell his coach was disappointed that he couldn´t be more perfect. Perhaps because they practiced so hard the day before. I´ve never done sports, but I can understand the bittersweet feeling of not being one hundred percent.
I never really like these types of things, but my dad brought a bag full of jelly beans and we ate hot dogs too. We all got quality time and sunshine as well. I ran around with the smaller kids and met some new people. It is days like these where I can say I am a kid again. It´s a rare feeling, but I can I don´t mind it at all. With every run, cloud of dirt, or drip of sweat that comes from my brother´s sporting event I say, ¨thank you.¨ If it weren't for times like today I wouldn't be here.
The worst part of today was seeing my brother become irritated with himself. Whether he got irritated or not, I wish he knew we all still cheered and were proud. I can´t wait to see him play again. I had a great time!
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