A. The author is making deposits showing kindness and gratitude for things his daughter does.
B. The habits shown in this case are: Begin with the end in mind, Seek first to understand, then to be understood and Think win-win
Step-by-step explanation:
The emotional bank account works like a regular bank account, but it aims to show how a relationship is being managed and whether it is a healthy relationship where good things are kept, leaving a positive balance, or if the relationship is toxic and leaving the account with a negative balance.
To make deposits in this account, individuals have to practice positive habits with people, thus generating healthy and happy relationships. In the complexion shown above, the author tries to be kind by showing how his daughter does good things that make him grateful and happy. This is an example of a deposit.
The author also asks his daughter to say what he does that makes her happy, so they can understand each other and realize that they are understood. The author did this with an objective in mind that was to allow deposits to be made in each one's emotional bank account, in addition, it allows for a pleasant activity where the two win.