We in daily life use technology to pay virtually through virtual wallets, work at home, purchase packages to travel abroad, many businesses handle virtual advertising, that is why it is called the new "market window" to social networks or internet pages, university universities playful methods through virtual campuses or virtual classes.
The serious impact is very great since many of the activities of daily life change, and they will return to being as before the technology affected in our lives, reversing customs and technological generations.
The new technologies are: computer science, engineering, arquetectonica, scientific, industrial, commercial ... Where a fourth industrial revolution arises where many processes that were carried out by humans today would be automated by computers or technological devices that improve market efficiency, of consumption and industrialization.
Step-by-step explanation:
In addition, new technologies are those that are based on electronic devices that are based on social communication, the development of social networks and technology based on global communications.