1) c. the total setup cost should be allocated equally between the red and blue ink.
Setup costs depend on the number of production batches, since one production batch was made for each color of ink, then the costs should be allocated equally.
2. Which of the following is an activity-based cost driver?
A. Number of machine setups
Other examples include production orders, quality inspections, maintenance orders, etc.
3. What is the principal reason that direct labor hours is no longer an effective base for allocating indirect costs in many modern manufacturing companies?
B. Automation
The main reason why so many manufacturing jobs have been lost in recent years is not because of China or Mexico (or other countries with cheap labor), it is automation. Most modern companies are replacing workers with robots.
Step-by-step explanation:
setup costs $2,000 per batch
one red and one blue
Demand for blue ink is significantly stronger than for red ink
1 hour of labor per gallon of ink
300 gallons of blue produced
100 gallons of red produced