The expected number of people that lives in rural areas and is in favor of continuing using daylight savings time is 287.
There were 1285 residents from rural and urban areas surveyed about their opinion about using savings time. There are two variables of interest:
X₁: Area where the resident lives, categorized: "Rural area", "Urban area".
X₂: Opinion about using daylight savings time, categorized: "Stop", "Continue".
To know how many people who live in a rural area would you expect to be in favor of continuing to use daylight savings time, you have to calculate the expected frequency for that cell (See table in attachment)
The formula to calculate the expected frequencies is:

i: categories in rows i=1, 2
j: categories in columns j= 1, 2
Oi.: total observations for the i-row
O.j: total observations for the j-row
The category "rural" is in the first row, so its marginal is symbolized O₁.
The category "Continue" is in the second column, so its marginal is symbolized O.₂
The expected frequency for the people that live n rural areas and is in favor of continuing using daylight savings time is:

I hope this helps!