Dihybrid cross: Cp cp W w x Cp cp W w
Gametes= CpW; Cpw; cpW; cpw
Cp Cp: lethal phenotype
Cp cp W w >> creeper and white phenotype
Cp cp w w >> creeper and yellow phenotype
Cp cp W W >> creeper and white phenotype
cp cp W W >> normal (non-creeper) and white phenotype
cp cp W w >> normal (non-creeper) and white phenotype
cp cp w w >> normal (non-creeper) and yellow phenotype
Since it is a dihybrid cross that involves a lethal allele in homozygous condition (Cp), it is expected a phenotype ratio of 6:3:2:1, it is 6 (Cpcp W_ creeper white) : 3 (cpcp W_ normal white ) : 2 (Cpcp W_ creeper yellow) : 1 (cpcp ww normal yellow). This ratio is expected because it is a distortion from normal segregation proportions (i.e., instead of the 9:3:3:1 phenotypic ratio associated with dihybrid crosses).