Answer: Provided in the explanation section
Step-by-step explanation:
Code to use;
# Define the main() function.
def main():
# Declare the required variables.
stack_cars = []
move_time = 1
retrieve_time = 2
# Start the loop to display the menu.
while True:
# Display the choices to the user.
print("\\\t\t\t Car Stack Menu")
print("\\1. Add a car")
print("2. Retrieve a car")
print("3. Show the car stack")
print("4. Exit")
# Prompt the user to enter the input.
choice = input("\\Enter your choice: ")
# Append the car in the stack if the choice is 1.
if choice == '1':
car = input("Enter the car name to add: ")
# Remove the car from the stack if the choice is 2.
elif choice == '2':
car = input("Enter the car name to retrieve: ")
# Display the error message if the car is not present.
if car not in stack_cars:
print(car + " is not present in the stack.")
# Otherwise, compute the time to retrieve a car.
# Declare a temp stack to move the cars.
temp = []
x = stack_cars.pop()
count = 0
# Start the loop to pop the cars from the stack
# until the car to be retrieved is found.
while x != car:
count += 1
# Store the car in the temp stack.
x = stack_cars.pop()
# Start the loop to move the cars back in the
# original stack.
while len(temp) != 0:
# Compute and display the total time.
total_time = move_time * count + retrieve_time
print("Total time to retrieve", car, "=", total_time)
# Display the stack if the choice is 3.
elif choice == '3':
print("Car stack =", stack_cars)
# Return from the funtion if the choice is 4.
elif choice == '4':
print("Exiting from the program...")
# Display the message for invalid input.
print("Error: Invalid choice!")
# Call the main() function.
if __name__ == "__main__":