The Nazi's used propaganda very effectively to spread anti-semetic beliefs and to spread their influence.
Step-by-step explanation:
Hitler in power meant he had full control of the media, which he used to harness the attention of German people and fill their heads with misinformation and grow support for his political ideology. He would master the use of the media and art of cinema to paint a perfect picture of future Germany under his rule and with the “relocation” of the stain that was the Jews. The use of political posters was one of his main tools in the wide spread of anti-sematic judgments, examples of these anti-Jew posters would show racial stereo-types of dirty, infected, greedy men and women with the typical use of beady eyes and large noses to signify their race. These posters would seep these hurtful prejudices into the German population and turn them against their Jewish neighbors faster than could be fathomed. Films like The Eternal Jew would solidify these intolerant thoughts as Germany moved towards a full European takeover, and the desire to achieve Judenrein or be Jew free prevailed.
Hitler would turn to the use of education to manipulate the youth of Germany. He formed the elite schools and Hitler youth programs to mold young Germans to his mindset against the Jewish people. He did this with false historical lessons and propaganda against the Jewish people.
Sorry for the long reply, I just wrote a paper on this lol