A program was written in C++ that allows the user to play the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors against the computer.
Step-by-step explanation:
#include <locale>
using namespace std;
int play(int user,int cpu){
return(user - cpu); //here is just substracting and returning the value entered by user and cpu
void display(int choice){ //to display the choices entered by user or cpu
if(choice == 1){ //1 for Rock
}else if(choice == 2){ //2 for Paper
}else{ //3 for Scissors
void winner(int win){
if(win == 0){ //if user and cpu entered same value
cout<<"A game is a draw."<<endl;
}else if(win == 1){ //if user entered Paper and cpu entered Rock or if user entered Scissors and cpu entered Paper
cout<<"Hurray You won."<<endl;
}else if(win == -1){ //if user entered Rock and cpu entered Paper or if user entered Paper and cpu entered Scissors
cout<<"CPU won."<<endl;
}else if(win == 2){ //if user entered Scissors and cpu entered Rock
cout<<"CPU won."<<endl;
}else if(win == -2){ //if user entered Rock and cpu entered Scissors
cout<<"Hurray You won."<<endl;
int cpu_choice(){
srand (time(NULL)); //this function is to generate random from time to time
int cpu = 1000;
while(cpu > 3){ //to generate random number between 1 to 3
cpu = (rand() % cpu) +1;
return cpu;
int main(){
int choice=0,cpu=0,win=0;
locale loc;
string ch;
cout<<"Enter your choice :"<<endl;
cout<<"1. Rock\\2. Paper\\3. Scissors"<<endl<<"\t";
cin>>ch;ch[0] = toupper(ch[0],loc); //converting the first element to char if by misktake the user have entered lower case
if("Rock") == 0 ||"Paper") == 0 ||"Scissors") == 0) ch[0] == 'S') choice = 3; //if the user enter scissors or Scissors
cout<<"CPU: ";
cpu = cpu_choice(); //get cpu choice
display(cpu); //display the choice entered by the cpu using the random number
win = play(choice,cpu); //call the function to play the game and returns the winner
winner(win); //display the winner
else{ //if entered choice is wrong
cout<<"wrong choice!"<<endl;
return 0;