1. Leaves and grases
2.caterpillar, grasshopper, rabbit,snake,bluejay,hawk, Owl
3. Herbivores are caterpillar, grasshopper and rabbit.
4. Carnivores are Snake, Hawk, Blue Jay, Owl.
5. caterpillar, Rabbit, Grasshopper
6. Snake,Hawk and Blue Jay.
7. Owl and Hawk
8. Hawk
Step-by-step explanation:
Autotrophs generate their own food like plants.
Herbivores feed on plants for food.
Primary consumer are animals that feed on organism that generate their own food.
Secondary consumers are those that feed on Primary consumers
Tertiary are those that feed on secondary consumers.
When an Hawk feeds on Snake it becomes a Tertiary Consumer, when it feeds on Rabbit it becomes a Secondary Consumer.