4 votes
Design a program in python that is able to take a user's input of either "Rock", "Paper", or "Scissors" and based on their input, output to them what their choice will beat in a "rock, paper, scissors" game. Additionally, if the user misspells or enters a wrong input tell them that they have made a mistake.

User Steven Luu
6.0k points

2 Answers

3 votes

Answer: This is the simplest rock paper scissor game that a beginner in python can understand:


import sys #sys module is for exit function in line 8

import random

import time

print("Hi!,Welcome to TEENS Rock paper,scissor,game")

name = str(input("What's Your Name? -"))


age = float(input(" Please Enter your Age :"))

if age < 13:

sys.exit('You are not eligible as you are not a Teenager.')

else :

input("can we start the game? :")

rules = str(input("Do you know the rules of the game?:"))

if rules == 'no':

print(" RULES: An easily memorised rule determines the winner: “Rock breaks scissors, scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock.”\\ In other words, a player who chooses rock beats one who chooses scissors; scissors in turn beats paper; paper beats rock. This yields a winner whenever the two players choose differently.")

print("\\Loading..") #remember to Continue the game also after here

elif rules =='yes':





print("bringing Papers,scissors,Rocks...")


CHOICES = ['rock','paper','scissor']

userchoice = str(input("What is your Choice [rock,paper,scissor]? : "))

compchoice = random.choice(CHOICES)

print("Computer's Choice=",compchoice)

if userchoice == compchoice:




elif userchoice == 'paper' and compchoice == 'rock':

print("Paper Covers Rock!!" )

print(name,"Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'rock' and compchoice == 'paper':

print("Paper Covers Rock!!" )

print("Computer Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'paper' and compchoice == 'scissor':

print("scissor Cuts paper!!" )

print("Computer Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'scissor' and compchoice == 'paper':

print("scissor Cuts paper!" )

print(name,"Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'rock' and compchoice == 'scissor':

print("Rock breaks scissor!" )

print(name,"Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'scissor' and compchoice == 'rock':

print("Rock breaks scissor!" )

print("Computer Wins !!")

userchoice = str(input("What is your Choice [rock,paper,scissor]? : "))

compchoice = random.choice(CHOICES)

print("Computer's Choice=",compchoice)

if userchoice == compchoice:




elif userchoice == 'paper' and compchoice == 'rock':

print("Paper Covers Rock!!" )

print(name,"Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'rock' and compchoice == 'paper':

print("Paper Covers Rock!!" )

print("Computer Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'paper' and compchoice == 'scissor':

print("scissor Cuts paper!!" )

print("Computer Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'scissor' and compchoice == 'paper':

print("scissor Cuts paper!" )

print(name,"Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'rock' and compchoice == 'scissor':

print("Rock breaks scissor!" )

print(name,"Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'scissor' and compchoice == 'rock':

print("Rock breaks scissor!" )

print("Computer Wins !!")

userchoice = str(input("What is your Choice [rock,paper,scissor]? : "))

compchoice = random.choice(CHOICES)

print("Computer's Choice=",compchoice)

if userchoice == compchoice:




elif userchoice == 'paper' and compchoice == 'rock':

print("\tPaper Covers Rock!!" )

print("\t",name,"Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'rock' and compchoice == 'paper':

print("\tPaper Covers Rock!!" )

print("\tComputer Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'paper' and compchoice == 'scissor':

print("\tscissor Cuts paper!!" )

print("\tComputer Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'scissor' and compchoice == 'paper':

print("\tscissor Cuts paper!" )

print("\t",name,"Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'rock' and compchoice == 'scissor':

print("\tRock breaks scissor!" )

print(name,"Wins !!")

elif userchoice == 'scissor' and compchoice == 'rock':

print("Rock breaks scissor!" )

print("Computer Wins !!")

print("\\\\\t\a GameOver !!")

print("\\\\\t\aThank you For playing !!")

User RolandASc
5.0k points
1 vote


Here you go:

Step-by-step explanation:

# import random module

import random

# Print multiline instruction

# performstring concatenation of string

print("Winning Rules of the Rock paper scissor game as follows: \\"

+"Rock vs paper->paper wins \\"

+ "Rock vs scissor->Rock wins \\"

+"paper vs scissor->scissor wins \\")

while True:

print("Enter choice \\ 1. Rock \\ 2. paper \\ 3. scissor \\")

# take the input from user

choice = int(input("User turn: "))

# OR is the short-circuit operator

# if any one of the condition is true

# then it return True value

# looping until user enter invalid input

while choice > 3 or choice < 1:

choice = int(input("enter valid input: "))

# initialize value of choice_name variable

# corresponding to the choice value

if choice == 1:

choice_name = 'Rock'

elif choice == 2:

choice_name = 'paper'


choice_name = 'scissor'

# print user choice

print("user choice is: " + choice_name)

print("\\Now its computer turn.......")

# Computer chooses randomly any number

# among 1 , 2 and 3. Using randint method

# of random module

comp_choice = random.randint(1, 3)

# looping until comp_choice value

# is equal to the choice value

while comp_choice == choice:

comp_choice = random.randint(1, 3)

# initialize value of comp_choice_name

# variable corresponding to the choice value

if comp_choice == 1:

comp_choice_name = 'Rock'

elif comp_choice == 2:

comp_choice_name = 'paper'


comp_choice_name = 'scissor'

print("Computer choice is: " + comp_choice_name)

print(choice_name + " V/s " + comp_choice_name)

# condition for winning

if((choice == 1 and comp_choice == 2) or

(choice == 2 and comp_choice ==1 )):

print("paper wins => ", end = "")

result = "paper"

elif((choice == 1 and comp_choice == 3) or

(choice == 3 and comp_choice == 1)):

print("Rock wins =>", end = "")

result = "Rock"


print("scissor wins =>", end = "")

result = "scissor"

# Printing either user or computer wins

if result == choice_name:

print("<== User wins ==>")


print("<== Computer wins ==>")

print("Do you want to play again? (Y/N)")

ans = input()

# if user input n or N then condition is True

if ans == 'n' or ans == 'N':


# after coming out of the while loop

# we print thanks for playing

print("\\Thanks for playing")

User Charles Durham
5.8k points