3 votes
I haven’t been able to sleep lately. Everytime I closed my eyes I could see Johnny being slaughtered. I missed him so much. We used to do everything together and now he is gone. I finally decided to go to sleep.

Because I felt too tired to stay up any longer. I woke up and it was 1:00 AM which I thought was weird because I went to bed just a few hours ago. I looked to my right and this dark figure was standing in my room. I was angry. I yelled at it, “Go away!” I said to the Dark Figure. It left me.
I went back to sleep. All I could hear was this high pitched sound in my ear. I felt my bed shaking. I kept hearing whispering through one ear. I finally went to sleep.
But it did not stop there. I got up to brush my hair. When I looked in the mirror I saw a weird figure behind me. It was a doll. The doll’s hair was red, and had a triangular nose.
It just kept watching me. Then I stumbled to the ground because just the sight of the doll scared me. I got back up and looked in the mirror. The doll was gone. But I could still just see the doll watching me.
Everytime I closed my eyes I could feel this ‘presence’ in the room with me. I tried meditation. I saw something, it was a little girl singing. As I got closer she got quieter. I was really close to her.
She looked at me and smiled. She started giggling. But this wasn’t any normal giggle this giggle was low pitched. She just kept giggling. She looked at me and whispered something.
I could not hear what she said. I asked again. She yelled, “Look behind you!” I opened my eyes and the doll was lying right next to me. I grabbed the doll and threw it in the dumpster.
I tried meditating more. I found something. I was in this different place. It was as if it was another planet. It was cold, dark, there were screams coming from multiple areas.
I thought this was scary. I was greeted by this woman who told me her name was Abaddon. She said that she could protect me. For there are dangers here. She said to me.
I was taken to this castle that looked really dark. The color was indescribable; it was darker than black. I noticed that this girl was a little bit off. I told her.
Where were you born from? She ignored me and just kept walking. I saw all these paintings. These paintings had people painted on them. They were people but they were off. I didn’t like those paintings.
I looked the other way. I noticed paintings with red x’s on them. I noticed that those people have died on the news. I was led to this room. She told me to enter.
I just kept staring at her. I found what was off about her. It was her eyes. Her eyes were not normal. I could see pain and suffering.
I grew very cautious. She said it again, “Get in the room.” I said that I had to go. She grew angry and started throwing stuff at me. She changed into this shadowy figure.
She had these knives and kept missing each stab. I was lucky. I made my way out and hid. I was greeted by another person. He said his name was Azazel.
He was strange too. His eyes grew yellow. I just kept repeating these words. I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home. I woke up.
That place was crazy. I said to myself in silence. Something weird has happened though every time I looked in the mirror I could see that place. One night I felt my bed shaking and I heard the high pitch sound again. But I heard no whispering.
I looked at the mirror and it was glowing. I looked through it. I saw Johnny. He was screaming, “Help, Help, I am still alive!, Help me please.” Then he was taken.
This guy was different from all those scary people. He had black wings. He looked like he had been scarred in battle. His eyes were pitch black. His skin was very dirty and old.
I went into the mirror. I started sneaking and I hid behind the castle. This castle was cold when I felt it. I saw the guy I saw in the mirror leave. He was talking to these other people.
They looked like witches. I went up to Johnny quietly and told him to follow me. I went back through the mirror with Johnny. After that I heard a noise. The guy was up against the mirror.
It looked like he couldn’t get through. He kept repeating these words, “I hate you, I’ll kill you, You will feel the wrath of Lucifer.” After that the mirror stopped glowing. I was happy I saved Johnny. I figured out he was still alive.
I brought Johnny to his mother. She had not even been worried. She said she had seen him earlier. But things were back to the way they were supposed to be. Then Annabelle came back and she climbed the steps.
Counting each step she took. I locked my door. She was banging on the door. I went and laid down. She was in my room staring at me.
I knew I only had one thing to do. I grabbed Annabelle and I fell out of my window killing myself. But at least my spirit would be within the doll so that I could stop her from evil now.

Anything I should fix?

2 Answers

0 votes


You dont need to fix anything that was awesome.

Step-by-step explanation:

You had my bones shaking out of my body.


User Deevee
8.2k points
3 votes


I think it's spooktacularand real scary omg it's the scariest story i ever heard .keep up the spooky work you rock

User Cowsay
6.7k points