Alrighty! First we must start by converting the percentage into a fraction so we may use it in multiplication. 40% = 0.4
Now we must figure out how much cheaper exactly the item is now. We can do this by multiplying the decimal 0.4 (the percentage) by the original price.
90(.4) = ?
90(.4) = 36
The item is 36 dollars cheaper. However, we aren't done. We have found how much cheaper it is, but now we must figure out the actual price of the item now.
The original item was 90 dollars and it's now 36 dollars cheaper. We subtract 36 from 90 to get our answer.
90 - 36 = ?
90 - 36 = 54
The original item was 90 dollars. The price was reduced by 40$. It is now 36 dollars cheaper. Thus, it's new price is $54.