D $359.60
We start by calculating the per-person cost for a full car and for a full minibus.
For a car with 4 members, the cost per person is:

A car with 3 members will cost per person:

For the minibus (10 people) the cost per person is:

The full car is cheaper per person, but if we fill 4 cars with 4 people each, there is one person left, and it will cost an additional $50.
This option will cost:

As a 3-person car is considered full and have discount, we can arrange 2 cars with 4 people (8 people total) and 3 cars with 3 people (9 people total), and then complete the team of 17.
This would have the cost:

The third option, would be use the minibus (10 people) and 2 cars: one with 4 people and the other with 3. This would have a cost of:

As this are the best options, the lowest cost is $359.60.