Amount in Dale's wallet :$23
Amount in Keiko's wallet :$15
Amount in Jose's wallet: $69
Let the money in Dale's wallet be $X
Given Jose has 3 times money than what Dale has.
if Dale has $X then Jose has $3X.
Also Keiko has $8 less than Dale
if Dale has $X then Keiko has $X - $8
Also Keiko, Dale, and Jose have a total of $107 in their wallets.
Writing this in form of mathematical expression with their value of money in terms of X we have given below equation.
$X + $3X + $X - $8 = $107
=> $5X - $8 = $107
=> $5X = $107 + $8 = $115
=> X = $115/5 = $23.
Amount in Dale's wallet = $X = $23
Amount in Keiko's wallet = $X - $8 = $23 - $8 =$15
Amount in Jose's wallet = $3X = $3*23 = $69