1-false, since its shape is only elliptical
2-true, Large elliptical galaxies often have a system of globular clusters, double nuclei, and large numbers of satellite galaxies. One possible interpretation is galactic cannibalism, that is, the absorption of a smaller galaxy by a larger one - for example, our Milky Way is known to be "digesting" a couple of smaller galaxies today. Therefore they are assimilating or appearing new stars.
3- false, type 2 irregular galaxies are generally new galaxies but the same does not happen with elliptical ones.
4-true, since elliptical galaxies have new and old stars and irregular ones almost all new stars
Step-by-step explanation:
Types of galaxies. Galaxies have three different configurations: elliptical, spiral, and irregular. A somewhat more specific description, based on its appearance, is provided by the Hubble sequence, proposed in 1936