in which subject or matter??
Step-by-step explanation:
in which subject or matter??
kailali dhangadhi
2022 april21
The editor
Himalayan times
Kathmandu Nepal
sub:for publishing my article alleviate socal problems
Dear sir/ madam
I am writing to you to let you know social problems prevalent in our societies with a hope that you publish this article on your news paper.
Even after the establishment. of so many social organization to discourage drug addiction in Nepal . Our societies have been still going through the same problem in a worse way. The trend has been practice in an unhealthy way .
( nepali hau jasto laagyo yo paragraph ma chi drug addiction ko baarema explain garnu hai )
I hope you will obviously publish thish article to aware the society as a leading news editor. your cooperation shall be appreciated . I am looking forward to hearing from you.
sincerely yours
(tmro name)
best of luck for your ble exam