Assets = Liabilities + Equity
1) cash 27,000 = 0 + common stock 27,000
Financing Activity 27,000 cash inflow
2) cash -21,600 + inventory 21,600 = 0 + 0
Operating activity -21,600
3) -17,400 inventory = 0 - 17,400 cost of good sold
no cash involve
29,000 cash = 0 + 29,000 revenues
cash from operation + 29,000
Income Statement:
Sales 29,000
COGS (17,400)
gross profit 11,600
net income 11,600
Step-by-step explanation:
1) the company recieve cash, now it posses that amount of cash therefore it has an asset. As it come from the owner it is a contribution it is equity.
2) There is a chane in the composition of asset
we trade cash and received inventory we do not assuem any debt nor the business generate gain/loss It is considered operating activity as derives form the ongoing business.
3) the sale has a cost associate with it. this decrease our inventory available for future sales and makes an incurred cost it decrease our equity.
While the revenue from the sale creates gain for the owners and brings assets (cash) to be possessed by the firm