Step-by-step explanation:
His risk factors:
Almost 50
Sedentary lifestyle
Family history of the disease
High lipid content in blood
Weight can be modified
Lifestyle changes
Diet can be modified
Ciggeratte smoking can be modified
If he delays very likely to have a heart attack
Heart complications
Sudden cardiac death
High blood pressure can destroy many organs in the body
Can get diabetes
First the fact that he is MALE can predispose him to these conditions especially heart disease (women are more likely after menopause due to decreased levels of estrogen which decreases levels of lipids in the blood)
Second closely related one to his gender is his age.
On average after the age of 40 especially with other associated conditions,heart disease and hypertension are not uncommon
3. Obesity. This man's BMI is 42.8.
BMI is also known as basal metabolic index and is usually used to tell roughly if an individual is healthy underweight, overweight or obese. Obesity is 30 and above.
Obesity in itself causes excess fat in the body, of course the fat would look for where to stay and it would start to deposit around the organs(read heart and arteries) causing excess force to be required to push blood around the body (hypertension) and can also reduce blood flow to areas of the heart causing heart diseases.
4. Sedentary lifestyle: This explains also why he is obese. Sits all day and does not exercise. Obesity is the back bone of these 2 diseases. Anything that causes you to add weight would predispose you to it
5. Based on prior, makes sense his diet plan will also be a risk factor. The foods he eats are very calorie and fat heavy thus obesity thus fat deposition thus CHD/HTN
6. Cigarette smoking: smoking contributes to having atherosclerosis thus causing heart disease