You could tell her to turn the clean-up into a game. By turning it into a game, the child will relate cleaning to fun, which will make them more likely to do it. This works because kids enjoy fun things. To really enforce it, you could help them clean the first few times, and look as if you are enjoying it. When the child sees the fun you are having, they are likely to also have fun. Children also respond well to positive reinforcement, so if you praise them when they clean-up, they are more likely to do it more often. Another way you could encourage them is through reverse-phycology. If you make it seem fun, but then tell them they aren't needed in the process of the clean-up, the child is very likely to want to do it. Children, especially at that age, are very rebellious. (This is 147 words, if you use this as a base, you can totally make it 500 words)