The program is given below:-
Step-by-step explanation:
100 If, Load X /Load the first value
101 Subt Y /Subtract the value of Y, store result in AC
102 Skipcond 400 /If AC=0 (X=Y), skip the next instruction
103 Jump Else /Jump to Else part if AC is not equal to 0
104 Then, Load X /Reload X so it can be doubled
105 Add X /Double X
106 Store X /Store the new value
107 Jump Endif /Skip over the false, or else, part to the end of if
108 Else, Load Y /Start the else part by loading Y
109 Subt X /Subtract X from Y
10A Store Y /Store Y-X in Y
10B Endif, Halt /Terminate program (it doesn't do much!)
10C X, Dec 12 /Assume these values for X and Y
10D Y, Dec 20