1. Answer:
This question is related to the story called "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest".
Nurse Ratched is one of the main characters of this story. She is shown to very mean and unkind to everyone. She does everything in her power to achieve her desires. She has connections with the head of the hospital, hence she is not scared of anyone.
Randle McMurphy is another main character. He is an antagonist in the story. He tried to stop Nurse Ratched but, ultimately he fails too.
2. Answer:
She inspired fear in the staff and her patients. She had full control over everyone and everything in the ward. She is shown to be very power-hungry. She is also known as Big Nurse in the story.
The author describes how even her little power made her do terrible things. She gets revenge on three men in the story. Two of these men killed themselves, while the other one went through psycho-surgery.